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physical training instructor meaning in Hindi

physical training instructor sentence in Hindi

व्यायाम अनुदेशक
व्यायाम शिक्षक
शारीरिक प्रशिक्षण अनुदेशक
physical    प्रकृति शरीर
training    अभ्यास प्रशिक्षण
instructor    अध्यापक उपदेशक
1.During his national service he was a Physical Training Instructor in Singapore.

2.He became a company clerk and later a physical training instructor.

3.The film features 1956 Olympic swimmer Judy Grinham as a physical training instructor.

4.After graduation, he became the physical training instructor for the 36th Rifle Division.

5.Davies then married physical training instructor John Crisp in West Sussex in 1987.

6.After leaving school Whitcombe joined the Royal Air Force as a Physical Training Instructor.

7.Kodippili was a physical training instructor in the Military Police.

8.The camp included two physical training instructors from the Trinidad and Tobago Defense Force.

9.Wicks completed a Physical Training Instructor First Class Course, qualifying at the top of his class.

10.Before he began his career, Gampu was a physical training instructor, salesman, interpreter and police officer.

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How to say physical training instructor in Hindi and what is the meaning of physical training instructor in Hindi? physical training instructor Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.